青島中航捷運國際物流有限公司,是由國家外經貿部正式批準的一級國際貨運代理公司,注冊資本500萬,公司擁有完善的國外代理網絡,豐富的市場運作經驗,可承接全球各港口的國際貨運代理業務,包括:租船、訂艙、報關、報檢、倉儲、轉運等業務。與cma,cosco,hpl,yml,zim,k-line,hj,apl,msk,kmtc,tsl,msc,mcc,saf等多家船公司保持良好的合作關系,保持運價上的競爭優勢。公司在黃島設有辦事處,有自己的港口裝卸,打托加固人員,公司自營報關行和集裝箱車隊,可以為客戶提供一條龍服務,因為用心所以專業!我們一直秉承“專業保證服務,真誠贏得信賴” 的理念,竭誠為您提供完善、高效、全方位、一體化的物流服務!。
Qingdao ChinaEx International Logistics Co, Ltd is an international freight transport enterprise approved by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation of the people Republic of China. It has an integrated cargo forwarding system supported by land transport, ocean transport and airlift.With a perfect agent network and rich experience in market operation, we can provide our customers with sea/air international transport forwarding services, including chartering, space booking, warehousing, transferring, freight settlement, customs brokerage, commodity inspection brokerage, insurance and related short distance inland transport and consultation service.
Professional operation to ensure best service and sincere service to win trust are always our belief. We will offer efficient, comprehensive and integrated logistic services.